West Vancouver Baptist Church
West Vancouver Baptist Church is live
Blessed Are the Peaceable
Dr. Ken Radant
Dr. Ken Radant
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Order of Service
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West Vancouver Baptist Church

June 30, 2024

Order of Service 

Prelude Worship Song:    Sovereign Over Us

Welcome:                             Neil Bell

Worship Songs:                  O Canada / Lord Of The Lands

Call to Worship                   Psalm 118:22-24 and Responsive Reading Ephesians 2:19-21 (NLT)

Worship Song                      Our God
                                                All To Us

Prayers of the People       Pastor Ken Radant

Notices                                 Pastor Ken Radant

Special Music                      Herman and Furee (Emmanuel)

Worship Songs:                   God with Us

Scripture:                             Proverbs 26:17-23, 28;
                                                Proverbs 27:2-5,14, 17-18

Message:                              Pastor Ken Radant

                                                Blessed Are the Peaceable

Offertory Response:          They’’ know we are Christians by our Love

Blessing:                               Pastor Ken Radant