"It's Better to Marry than to Burn"?!
- Another hard passage!
- An exercise in interpretation
- Context
- What questions is the author trying to answer in this passage?
- What truths is this passage teaching and applying?
- A quick walk through 1 Corinthians 7
- Context means we need to begin with some background
- The overarching question (7;1-7)
- What is the question?
- Is sex bad, and unspiritual?
- I wish everyone were single...
- Implications for marriage (7;8-16)
- So, for widows and singles
- For those who are married
- But Paul, what if...?
- A key truth: God's calling (7:17-24)
- Each person should remain in the situation
- As the Lord has assigned to each
- What about virgins and widows? (7:25-40)
- So, for virgins and widows
- I think it is good to remain... but...
- So What?
- "One flesh" is more than a metaphor
- Marriage is wonderful!
- We have different gifts and callings
- Good interpretation matters