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Freedom In Christ

A Life-Changing Discipleship Course

Two-day course on May 12 -13, 2023 led by Peter and Liz Burnett.

Friday, May 12 at 6pm (snacks and refreshments served)
Saturday, May 13 at 10am to 4pm (lunch and refreshments served)

Freedom in Christ Ministries teaches us to find our identity in Christ by breaking bonds we have to our past sinful behaviour.  We all, in our pasts, have events that we wish we'd handled differently. 

Freedom in Christ allows us to examine ourselves to see how we can break the ties to that old behaviour and forge a new relationship with Christ. We are in a constant struggle between the powers of light and the powers of darkness.

Freedom in Christ equips us with the tools to fight the darkness and stay in God's grace.

The series is about a true encounter with Jesus.  We learn to make our stand with the truth, and the truth set us free.

Registration is free, the participant course book is $13 you may pay in the church foyer.