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Encounter Jesus at Mission Fest Vancouver

This year’s theme isn’t just a “conference theme” that you’ll hear about in great sermons. It’s our conviction that, together at the conference, we are to model and practice the reality that we follow a Person; He doesn’t follow us. We can meet Jesus in the messages preached, during prayer times, and while browsing through the exhibit areas. Jesus Himself will touch us, call us, renew us, and save us.

Our prayer for all those who come is that they will go home and be able to say, as the early disciples did in Acts 15:4.

“And when they had come to Jerusalem, they were received by the church and the apostles and the elders; and they reported all things that God had done with them.”

More Information

Registration for Mission Fest Vancouver 2024 is free, with the opportunity to include a donation. Click the button above to register! Free tickets will also be available at the door during Mission Fest Vancouver 2024, but we recommend registering in advance to avoid long lines.

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This year, all the conference speakers are our friends who have an affection for one another. Everyone speaking from the platforms are friends who carry the conviction that Jesus is a person who, when we give Him space to move, can do more than we could imagine. Our current speakers are Steve Schroeder, Matt Menzel, Jonathan Mitchell, April Bates, Jon Thompson, James Bonney, and Ryan Johnson, with more to come. We’ve asked the speakers to spend time with the Father and listen, and then preach what He tells them to say. Seminar topics will be posted in January. Read our speakers’ bios on our website

Conference Schedule Overview

Doors open Thursday (February 15) at 5:00 pm, with the first General Session beginning at 7:00 pm. Tony Castro will lead our worship times together with a team from Westside, Church Untitled, and the 604 Network.

Working within the space the Lord gave us, we are thankful to be able to welcome more than 50 exhibitors—Missions Agencies of Jesus’ Kingdom and work—to join us. They will be located in the three lobbies and “Commons” space of Westside Church.

Friday and Saturday (February 16–17) will be full days of General Sessions and Breakout Seminars, starting at 9:00 am each day. You will be invited to hear more of what’s on various agencies’ hearts and be connected to their mission through ‘Mission Talks’—15-minute presentations that will take place in the main auditorium each day between 12:30 and 2:00 pm. The details of which agency is sharing at what times will be included in the conference schedule.

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