We look forward to welcoming your children on Sunday morning. We have updated our check-in procedure to allow easier transition from the Sanctuary to their classrooms.
  • Please arrive at 9:45am or earlier and sign your kids in at the Kids' welcome table in the foyer.
  • A volunteer will help you fill in a name tag sticker for your kids (be sure to keep the sticker stub for when you pick them up after the service!)
  • At the start of service, kids will join in with their families for worship, before being dismissed for their age-appropriate Bible-based lesson.
  • A snack will be served to your kids during class (We are sensitive to and supportive of children with allergies, serving allergy-free snacks) Please let us know of any known allergies when you check in.
  • Parents are to pick up their kids from the Kid's classrooms after the service and sign the sign-out sheet before they leave.


我们期待周日早上见到您的孩子。 我们更新了签到程序,以便使孩子们更简单地从大堂过渡到教室。

  • 请于上午 9:45 或之前抵达,并在位于大堂外前厅的儿童迎宾台处为您的孩子办理登记。
  • 志愿者将帮助您为您的孩子填写姓名标签贴纸(请务必保留贴纸存根,以便在主日敬拜结束后接孩子时使用!)
  • 在主日开始时,孩子们将与家人一起参与敬拜,然后被解散去参加适合他们年龄的圣经课程。
  • 上课期间将为您的孩子提供零食(出于对有过敏症状的孩子的考虑和支持,我们将提供非过敏零食)请在办理登记时告知我们任何您的孩子已知的过敏信息。
  • 敬拜结束后,请家长前往儿童主日学教室接您的孩子,并在离开前签署退出表。