
John 20: 1-18
Welcome to the Garden

Welcome to the Garden

Christians around the world are celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead.

For the first time in all of eternity, He felt alienated from the intimacy which existed within the Trinity. "My God my God," cried Jesus from the cross, "why have you forsaken me?

Here's the good news: On the cross, God took your sin and mine and the sin of the entire human race upon Himself.  As He hung on the cross Jesus cried out: "It is finished."  Jesus finished the work God gave Him to do by providing atonement for our sins.

We are a new creation.  It was for this reason Jesus came into the world.  He did so by bearing in His own being, the pain and suffering caused by our rebellion and sin.

As members of Jesus' New Creation, we once again have access to the Garden. 

What a gift!