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Acts 6:1-7 使徒行传 6: 1-7 (和合本)
Conflict from Within   内部冲突

Conflict from Within   内部冲突

With Amber Zhao translating...

We will examine how Satan uses internal conflict and dissension within the church to hinder her growth and witness.

In Acts 5, the first dark note is heard in this amazing symphony.  Self-righteousness and self-promotion are offensive to God and a serious deterrent to the unity and growth of the church.

In Acts 6, we have the record of the second dark note which threatens to take the early church apart. There was tension between the Greek-speaking Jews and Aramaic-speaking Jews.

They didn't think the same way.  They had different political points of view. Language and cultural differences create barriers and lead to distrust.

So the Twelve called a meeting of all the believers.  They said, "We apostles should spend our time teaching the word of God, not running a food program".  Acts 6:2 NLT

The apostles were reminding the people that the church is the Body of Christ and each person has an important role to play.  There are no spectators.  We are all ministers.

We all have a role to play.  If you are concerned about something you need to be prepared to roll up your sleeves and get involved - to be part of the solution.

What were the results?

All the widows were taken care of, and the apostles devoted themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word.

The key was the unity of their witness and their incredible love for one another!