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Message from Pastor Bob

 This Sunday is a special service of outreach through our Mandarin community. They are hosting a Saturday outreach service coupled with a time of fellowship with food in the courtyard. This is a major event in the life of our church. It will afford us the opportunity to present the good news of the gospel to members of our community. Our guest speaker on Saturday and Sunday morning is Pastor Gong, Ming Peng.  

Pastor Gong is a very gifted communicator who has dedicated his life to proclaiming the gospel ever since his personal conversion in 1996. Under his leadership, his church in Toronto has planted 7 churches. He has also preached extensively internationally.  

Please pray for him as he teaches and preaches in our community this weekend. May the favour and power of the Spirit rest upon him this weekend. Jesus made this promise:

“…faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10:17

Here’s the deal.   The good news of the gospel is self-authenticating so don’t be afraid to share your faith with family and friends.  

On another note. I would also like to encourage you to give generously to help us hire a part-time Children’s Coordinator for our Sunday school this fall. This is a crucial time in the life of our church. The growth and outreach of our church to young families depend on a quality run Sunday morning Sunday program.  

Excellence is our goal. Young families are beginning to come to our church but they need a Sunday school program where children are encouraged to dedicate their lives to Jesus.  

I’m reminded of a line from William Shakespeare’s play ‘Julius Caesar.’

“There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat; And we must take the current when it serves; Or lose our ventures.”  

I believe this holds true for the future of our church as well. We need to move ahead when the momentum is on the rise. Please be generous.  Envelopes will be available at the information in the Narthex on Sunday.  

I would also encourage you to pick up a copy of the latest “Bustin’ With News” for updates on what Darrell and Laura Bustin have been doing in Rwanda.  

In closing please uphold me in your prayers. I have this treasure in a fragile vessel and I am painfully aware of my own limitation and for a fresh outpouring of God’s comfort, strengthening, and blessing. May God's grace be with you this week.

Offering Envelopes

We are so thankful for the intentional generosity in giving of late.

To assist the Envelope Secretary in recording your gift would you please use the numbered white envelopes you have received? 

If you don’t have numbered envelopes, please write your full name, address, email, and telephone number on the blue envelope. Also, put how many envelopes you’d like to receive, we usually send out 6 to start, you can also receive a box with 52 envelopes.

If you have an envelope number but don’t recall the number please put your first and last name on envelopes so we can designate the funds to the correct person.

If you have ordered numbered envelopes, please look for them next to the offering box on Sunday.