Follow the Lord of Love
Biography of Pastor Gong
Pastor Gong Mingpeng was born in Fujian, China. Before going abroad, he was engaged in mathematics research at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.
He went to study in Canada in 1994, studied at the Department of Pure Mathematics at the University of Waterloo, and received a Ph.D. in mathematics in 1998.
After being reborn and saved in 1996, he resolved to live for the Lord every day. After graduating with a Ph.D., he dropped everything and returned to rural areas in mainland China to preach the gospel and fulfill the great commission of the Lord Jesus. From 2001 to 2020, he pastored the Chinese Bible Church in Toronto and served as the senior pastor of the church. He led the church to plant seven branch churches.
From 2021, he will continue to pastor at the West Church of the Chinese Bible Church in Toronto, and at the same time serve as the general director of the Vision Ministries Canada Chinese Church Association (CCA-VMC). He has led evangelism and spiritual training meetings all over North America, and has served as a lecturer at China Gospel Conference many times.”
跟随慈爱之主 Follow the Lord of Love
Scripture: John 21: 15-22
- Call to follow the Lord 跟随主的呼召
- What is that to you? You must follow me 与你何干,你跟从我吧
- Love comes before follow (二)爱是跟随的前提
- Do you truly love me? 你爱我吗?
- Do you love me? 你爱我吗?
- The one thing our Lord cares about most 主最在乎的一件事
- The most important one 第一要紧的
- George Cutting "Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment" 《救知乐》的作者
- The one lost sheep 失去的那一只羊
- The Lord cares for His sheep 主在乎祂的羊
- To follow in true love (三)以至爱来跟随
- Peter's mind 彼得的心志
- Peter's response 彼得的回应
- The Overcomer 得胜者
- As Living Sacrifices 当作活祭
- David Barratt "I am like the ox, ready for either - the plough or the altar" 巴尚志 我像是一头公牛,或用我耕田,或放我在祭坛上,我都准备就绪了。