Vision and Mission
Every successful family has a set of priorities that determines what they do, teach their children, and how they spend their time and money.
Similarly, a successful church is built around clear values, priorities, and goals.
- God has called us to proclaim the good news of the gospel.
- God has called us to establish an English-speaking multi-cultural, ethnically diverse church.
- God is calling us to provide services of worship, ministries for Christian Education, and Missionary efforts.
- God is calling us to bear witness to the principles of Christian love and service.
- God has called us to teach and practice the doctrine of the Christian faith.
- God is calling us to train and equip people to expand Christ's Kingdom in our world
Core Values:
- Outreach - reaching out to others beyond ourselves in service and love
- Worship - taking time daily to express our devotion, love and obedience to Christ
- Generosity - whenever there has been a special need this church has risen to the challenge
- Equipping - training people to be fully devoted followers of King Jesus
- Community - building quality relationships with our brothers and sisters by spending time together
- Prayer - developing a culture where we learn to spend time in the presence of our Triune God. Such a relationship transforms our lives
- Ethnic Diversity - as a church we are committed to demonstrating the power of Jesus to bring people together from very different cultural backgrounds
Mission Statement
God is calling us to be an intergenerational, cross-cultural community set apart and equipped to proclaim the good news and to live responsibly as citizens of Christ's Kingdom.
Our ministries represent the strategies that will enable us to live out and fulfill our stated mission and vision.
Role of Council
To continue to evaluate the effectiveness of our Ministries in light of core values, mission, and vision.