A group of ladies who come together every Thursday in the Fireside room from 12 - 3pm to read, and study God's Word and apply what Scripture teaches to our daily lives. Our ultimate goal is to be moulded into the woman the Lord desires for us to be.

We commence with a social time, followed by a bible study, and we close in prayer for one another, our families and friends.  We utilize various resources for our Bible Studies including books, DVD's and study guides.  As we study the Bible and related material together, we find answers, hope, and comfort for our daily concerns and struggles.  All ladies are welcome.

Upcoming Topics

January 11 - 25

We will complete God's Holy Days, Jesus in the Feasts by Joe Amaral

February 1 - April 4

Agents of the Apocalypse, a 10-week study from Dr. Jeremiah. ‘In this study, we will explore the book of Revelation through the lens of the major players, as well as the person who narrates it in the book of Revelation—the apostle John. As we better understand these key individuals and how they are in God’s master plan for this world, it strengthens our resolve to stand firm in the face of worsening circumstances. This DVD study reveals the overarching truth of Revelation—that the Christian’s victory in Christ is an absolute certainty.’

Should you be looking for a secure, loving caring place to be fed spiritually or at the least, a place for friendships to develop… we welcome you.