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Message from the Pastor - Bob Bahr

It’s hard to believe but this is the third Sunday of Advent - a special time in our calendar year to reflect on God's wonderful gift of His Son. During this season of Advent, we have been focusing our attention on the special names by which the Gospel writers refer to Jesus- Savior, Prince of Peace, Messiah, and Coming King.

This week I want us to reflect on Jesus as God’s long-awaited Messiah. The expectations that the Jewish people had for the Messiah were out of sync with the reality of his actual mission. This was one of the major reasons why so many first-century Jews had such a hard time embracing him.

  • What were their expectations?
  • In what ways did Jesus disappoint them?
  • And what about us?
  • In what ways does Jesus fail to measure up to our expectations?
  • What are the characteristics of the Kingdom he is building today?
  • And what is the role of the church in this Kingdom vision?

I know that for many this season can be stressful and difficult. Amid all the Christmas hype our feelings of grief and stress and unfulfilled dreams all seem to be more acute. So, we often end up feeling estranged from all the festivities going on around us.

To some extent, I can identify with these feelings because for me Christmas has often been a melancholy time. The reality of life doesn’t always connect with the realities and disappointments and heartaches of our lives.

To those of you out there who are struggling this holiday season, I want you to know that I’m thinking of you. I’ve been there.

I know what it feels like to spend this hopeful, joyous time feeling hopeless and joyless, and I know how much it hurts, and how hard it can be for others to get it. I get it.

This prayer is for you:

“Jesus, I celebrate You – I celebrate Your marvelous incarnation, the Word becoming flesh.

But this afternoon, Lord, I lift up to You all those who are burdened with heavy, laboring hearts this season– whether from loss, depression, anxiety, mental illness, or internal crisis. Please draw near to them.

Grant them a settled sense of your presence, love, and understanding. May they experience a fresh awareness of your acceptance.

You are the mighty redeemer. I entrust my heart to You and ask that You would hold those for whom I’m praying– in a way that is felt. Amen.”



Membership Recommendation. The Council recommends Linda (Yunzia) Fu for membership in WVBC. If anyone has any questions regarding this recommendation, please contact Hilary Blair, Church Clerk.

 Year End Donations: Just a reminder that tithes and offerings for 2023 must be in the office by December 31, 2023, or postmarked no later than the same date. Charitable tax receipts will be available once the year-end financials have been closed, but no later than mid-February. We will be sending the tax receipts via email so please be sure the office has your current email. If you want to know what your year-to-date giving is, please call or email Judy Thompson, she is in the office on Tuesdays from 10 am to 3 pm.