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Message from the Pastor - Bob Bahr

I trust that you all had a meaningful Christmas.

This morning we hosted Jane Megale-Sidjak’s Celebration of Life service.  It was a time to reflect on all the ways Jane touched our lives and give thanks to her.  We can rejoice amidst the sadness of this loss knowing that she at home is with our Father in Heaven.  Please continue to be in prayer for her family, especially her children, Katie, Kevin, and James, during this time.

This will be the last Sunday of the year. A time to both look back and look ahead. As a church, we have so much to be grateful for this year. We have been blessed to see significant growth in our church community and rejoice with those who have found Christ and demonstrated that commitment through the waters of baptism.

We also were able to partner with our Baptist brothers and sisters across Canada to help provide financial assistance to many people globally struggling just to put enough food on the table. As a congregation, you were so generous and as it turned out we contributed more than any other church Canada-wide.

Wow!  I'm so proud.

And, your generosity also enabled us to raise enough money to hire Kenny Hong Ho as our new Sunday School Co-ordinator for children's ministry and the leader of a children’s community choir which we will launch in January. Please take time to meet Kenny. He is an outstanding young leader who has strong theological and musical training and experience. He is engaged to be married to a very beautiful and talented young woman, Jelly who is at his side teaching on Sunday mornings. I’ve gotten to know both of these beautiful people and can’t speak more highly of them and their warmth and love of the Saviour. Personally, I am going to miss my weekly contact with them both.

But let me remind you the success of any new ministry depends on our prayers and the love and support we give to those who serve amongst us.

Furthermore, this Christmas we exceeded our goal in the special offering we took for Rwanda. The money will be used for the training of parents as they seek to develop the skills necessary to raise full devoted followers of Jesus. The genocide of 1994 robbed children of their parents and the mentoring they would have received from them. A generation of children was raised by older siblings, usually young girls who had to forfeit their own education to raise younger siblings. The money raised will help to provide parents with the skills they lost in the genocide. The money will also provide micro-loans for young women so they can start their own businesses.

For all the ways you have so generously given this year, I personally want to say thank you. Together, we have accomplished so much.

On another note.

Sadly, this will be my last Sunday as your Interim Lead Pastor. Lord willing both Marleen and I will be with you this Sunday. I won't be preaching but I do want to be present to express personally the honour we both feel in being with you in this role this year.

On January 1 Pastor Ken Radant will become your new Lead Pastor. I trust you will give him the same level of love and support which you gave to me.

In closing let me encourage you to continue in your pursuit of a closer walk with our Triune God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.